Study Session: Rochester Police Accountability Board legislation

We're getting close to election day and at least one court has made a ruling! An appeal has been filed and the referendum is being printed on the ballots! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!
Join members of Enough Is Enough and the Police Accountability Board Alliance to get the updates (the answer: VOTE YES for the PAB on Nov. 5!) and review the legislation passed by City Council earlier this year.
Bring a bag lunch and eat as we collectively read through and discuss the legislation. Find out how you can get involved!
Monday, October 14, 2019 (Indigenous People's Day!)
noon - 1:30pm
Flying Squirrel Community Space
285 Clarissa St.
Rochester, NY
1st floor, wheelchair accessible!
We'll have copies of the legislation for you and for a donation of $1, fair-trade, organic coffee! All donations will be split between the PAB Alliance and Enough Is Enough.